Wednesday, August 3, 2011


     Depending on when a poem was written sometimes poetry can be hard for me to understand. My favorite poem was "Cinderella" and "Ozymandius". I liked "Cinderella" because it was written so honestly and graphic. Ozymandius's message however was the most interesting to me because the statue symbolized that nothing lasts forever. Now that I think about it, I also like "The Flea". Just because I found it somewhat romantic and sweet. Despite his lover squishing the flea at the end of the story. The hardest poem for me to understand was "My Last Duchess" and "The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock". The first time I read the stories I was a little bored and distracted so maybe thats why I found the poems more interesting after we discussed them in class.


  1. "The hardest poem for me to understand was "My Last Duchess" and "The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock". The first time I read the stories I was a little bored and distracted so maybe thats why I found the poems more interesting after we discussed them in class."

    Haha, funny you should say this. I also found myself bored and distracted while reading a lot of these poems. They are hard to understand and I found myself wondering off while reading. It was not until our class discussions about the poetry that I began to fully understand what was going on in them. Glad I wasn't the only one!

  2. Some of the poetry was hard for me to understand as well, especially the longer poems because there is a lot of information compacted together making it difficult to understand everything. One of my favorites was also the "Cinderella" poem. I thought it was a very different twist on the classic Cinderella we all know.
