Saturday, August 6, 2011

Pinocchio Ain't Got Nothin on Nora

      When we read "A Doll's House" I couldn't help but think about how similar Nora was to the female characters we have studied in the past. Female lead characters from stories such as "The Yellow Wallpaper", "A Rose for Emily" and even in "Cinderella". They are all suppressed, talked down to by the male figures around them and are seen as childish. They are all smart and capable women who are not given a chance to prove to the male figures that women are not "overstimulated" by male conversations. Its unfortunate that this is how women were seen not too long ago. Out of all the stories though I think Nora is the only one who does not go crazy in the end. Instead we see how much of a jerk her husband really is. Especially after her tarantella dance. How creepy is that?

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