Saturday, August 6, 2011

Oedipus Brings a Whole New Meaning to Mommy Issues

     Oh Oedipus. How your story made people cringe for thousands of years! I believe that he is a tragic figure because the audience can relate and sympathize for Oedipus so much. We relate to him because he technically was adopted and never had the chance to meet his biological parents before he would fulfill his prophecy. If he was just at a different place at a different time maybe he would have never met his biological father and mother and none of this would have ever happened. Or maybe he would have met them under different circumstances. Then again they shouldn't have tried to change the future. At the same time what parent would want this to happen? What parent would want their child to kill their father and marry their mother? Only the sick ones and Oedipus's were not that sick. What is really sad is that he let his intelligence, confidence and pride get the best of him. He was a little too arrogant to take a moment to maybe put the pieces of the puzzle together. You think he would but that is what is so tragic about Oedipus. He let his pride blind him until he literally blinded himself from the truth.

Excuse the cursing in this scene but I like puns.
This was from Mel Brook's History of the World Part II .

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