Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Understanding Short Stories

     My understanding of the short stories improved once we discussed the stories in class. At first I would just read the stories and disregard whatever words or references I did not understand immediately. However drafting, revising and discussing helped me understand what the author was communicating. I'm glad we actually go through the stories in class because there are so many things that I would have missed if we didn't. I think sometimes the authors just assume the readers will know the literature references they make. However if the reader was born in a different decade, let alone a different century, then the reference will go over our heads completely. I found that to be the case a lot for me. Working in small groups was very helpful too. People interpret stories differently and its interesting to learn the stories from their perspectives.


  1. "My understanding of the short stories improved once we discussed the stories in class."

    I felt the same! Working in small groups really helped open up a broader understanding of the short stories we've read in class. Sharing thoughts and hearing what others had to say brought ideas that I would have never thought of on my own.

  2. Discussing the stories in class and in groups certainly helped. I was able to better understand the meaning behind the stories and further understand the characters and their motives.
